Oct 23, 2020Payment Innovations to Curb the Spread of COVID-19It is a known fact that banknotes move from one person to another, bringing along germs with it, so it is possible for these notes to...
Oct 14, 2020Сингапурская компания Bank-Genie вместе с iFellow выходит на российский рынокhttps://www.cnews.ru/news/line/2020-10-12_singapurskaya_kompaniya_bankgenie ИТ в банках 12.10.2020, Пн, 16:16, Мск , Текст: Владимир...
Oct 1, 2020Cufa partners with Bank-Genie's BanqIn to further financial inclusion in MyanmarBanqIn (A Product of Bank-Genie) is once again bringing digital banking solutions to microfinance institutions. Cufa, an Australian...